This Christmas, prepare to be captivated by Laju Iren's latest film, "Danfo and the Rose." Set against the vibrant backdrop of Lagos, the film follows a young woman's journey as she navigates love and ambition amidst the city's bustling energy.
Beyond a romantic tale, "Danfo and the Rose" delves into profound social issues, including child welfare, education, substance abuse, and family challenges. Directed by Akinkunle Michael Akinrogunde (AMA Psalmist), the film features a talented cast including Sunshine Rosman, Michael Dapaah, Adunni Ade, Sam Dede, and Debo Adedayo (Mr. Macaroni).
Laju Iren, a renowned pastor and filmmaker, is known for her impactful works like "Loving Amanda" and the adaptation of her book, "Mistakenly Yours."
Get ready to be moved and inspired by this heartwarming story.