Obi Emelonye’s Action Thriller “Black Mail” Has Been Nominated for a British Urban Film Festival Award
“Black Mail“, the action thriller directed by Obi Emelonye and stars OC Ukeje, has been nominated for the Best Feature Film category at the 2021 British Urban Film Festival (BUFF).
BUFF welcomes, gives coverage to and awards films that embrace diverse storytelling, celebrating filmmakers from diverse backgrounds representative of the 9 diversity strands: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex.
Obi Emelonye announced on Instagram on Monday, November 21.
The festival will take place from December 4 to 10, 2021, with awards presented for best actor, best actress, best feature, best short film, and best documentary, while cash awards of £250 will be presented for the best documentary film, best feature film, and best short film categories.
According to Creativepool, the plot revolves around Chinda, a well-known London actor who becomes embroiled in a sextortion lawsuit brought against him by the criminal oligarch and digital fraudster Igor. Cases of mistaken identification, webcam hacking, and threats of violence endanger Chinda’s family as he urgently searches for the offenders.
The film addresses current concerns such as data protection and cybersecurity in a society that has become increasingly reliant on online communication.